about vartaphalaks...

the ubiquitous vartaphalaks which dot the older parts of pune city in hundreds, represent a fascinating case of public spaces which become sites of articulation of different kinds of agendas and identities, in an urban context. vartaphalaks generally serve as visual markers of the collective that exists in the precincts of that notice board. this could be local branches of political parties, youth collectives, residential collectives, auto rickshaw drivers’ unions and so on. the various symbols and imagery that is inscribed in and around these spaces and the content and the rhetoric of the matter written on vartaphalaks make for a public space extremely rich in visual content.

spaces around vartaphalak

spaces around vartaphalak
kumthekar road, sadashiv peth
this is a typical space as defined by a vartaphalak. this message was written a day after the civic election results were declared, expounding on the topic of 'kartavya': It is but natural to be enthused by victory and be disappointed by defeat. However our tradition tells us that more important than victory or defeat is our duty

spaces around vartaphalaks

spaces around vartaphalaks
tiranga young circle vartaphalak, ghorpade peth

Friday, June 22, 2007

Post # 4 contd..Kachi Aali again...

These photographs were taken around 8 in the morning. As I walked down the Kachi Aali, I was struck by one activity that all the women in the Aali as if collectively engaged in…washing clothes and utensils. Small rivulets of water originated at regular intervals along the Aali, as almost every household had a woman sitting in front of the door with piles of washed and wrung clothes and utensils. Water supply must be lasting till about 9.30 or so in the morning here after which there was probably no chance of water supply being resumed till late in the evening.

It might almost sound comic but another thing that struck me about the landscape of Kachi Aali was the presence of a variety of animals there. I passed baskets of eel-like fish kept in water (probably to be taken to sell in Maashi Aali next door), cows tied in a shed amidst overwhelming smell of cow dung, hens scampering about in the middle of the road, clucking as if panic-stricken. In the lane where Tiranga Young Circle is located, a make-shift stable had been constructed for a couple of horses, who probably belonged to a wedding contractor. The shiny Victoria-like carriage stood outside, blocking half the road.

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